RED Head
Paul x
The sale of at home red dye kits has gone up
seventeen percent since the year two thousand hit. Professor Jonathan
Rees conducted a study of redheads at Edinburgh University. He
identified the”gene for red hair” the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R),
found on the 16th chromosome. He found that this single gene was
responsible for red hair. Red hair is a genetic mutation.

The color Green tempers
red. Look at a color chart. This is why redheads are taught as children
to wear lots of green. As if red hair is a shameful state of being. In
the early 1600’s, at the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the
belief of Pixies (aka fairies) emerged in southwest England. They were
then and have since been strongly associated with red hair for their
mischievousness and otherworldly talents.
A 2002 study found that
redhead are harder to sedate than any other people requiring twenty
percent more anesthesia. Inadequate doses cause people to wake up during
surgery and have increased recall of procedures. Sixty percent of women
who dye their hair do so at home. Of them twenty six percent choose to
go blonde, twenty seven percent go basic brunette, and thirty percent
choose to become redheads.
The Feminist
icon of Lilith, the first wife of Adam who insisted on sexual equality
is that of a redhead so in reality the first woman in creation, Lilith,
had your striking genetic endowment and was a redhead Bones ! Kinda cool
don’t you think……
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