long as you are preparing to be happy, you will not be.
If you continue
to see happiness as some distant goal to be reached, you will not
experience it. Happiness is now.
The only time you can ever experience
it is the moment that you are in. Happiness is unconditional.
When you
put conditions on happiness, it immediately disappears.
Happiness makes
no judgments or demands.
When you focus on judging others and making
demands of them, it drives happiness away from your life.
happiness is simple and uncomplicated, it is at the same time profound
and sophisticated.
For when you allow yourself to be truly happy, the
positive energy can reach into every corner of your life.
Set aside the
complaints, excuses, conditions and demands, and make a place for
happiness in your world.
Be happy, and you’ll discover a whole new level
of life’s richness.
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